Spideypool Big Bang 2018



Always wanted to write about or draw two of your favorite lovebirds? Well it’s finally here—the Spideypool Big Bang! What is a Big Bang you ask? Well, some of you lovely people will write your own Spideypool fanfics and other equally lovely people will choose a fic to create art for! Fun right? Sign-ups for Writers, Artists, and Betas will open AUGUST 6TH.

Please spread the word, reblog, and follow the blog for further information! The Rules, FAQ, and sign-up information will be available soon. So mark your calendars, sit tight, and get ready to create!

(This bang was created with permission from the first SPBB 2017 mods @spideypoolfanfic We are a new mod team comprised of @lunastories, @mscaptainwinchester, and @amazing-spiderling. This bang will run every year in order to provide the Spideypool fandom with a yearly, consistent, and fun event.)

Banner and icon created by the ever talented @jdragon122!

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