
“I told you, Rhysie. I’m not going anywhere.” A static echoed whispered electronic and cold like ice. A vapor of air that couldn’t possibly exist; a corporal presence that manifested as real as the thick warmth trickling down his temple. It was surreal but familiar and in a sick way induced a level of comfort in Rhys it shouldn’t.

“How could I, kid? You and me are just a like.” Words swayed in the space of his mind and settled like dust; nestling and nurturing on Rhys’ fears. It was an unsettling feeling that was like a touch of death and a chill rattled down his spine. It’s when Rhys knew. He felt the viper’s bite and the poison of Jack’s word soaked in his blood like venom. The oddest thing was the sensation pulled at his lips into a smile. It felt like home.
