

Oh my god.

The reason Gavin hates Connor so much is because he’s jealous.

Dude has it bad for Hank and here’s this shiny Android talking to Hank, getting him to engage, getting him to come out of his shell.

Oh now this is rarepair hell: Gavin/Hank. I love it. I’ve thought of it but there are maybe five fics that feature it. Their hostility to each other would make great fuel for a belligerent fire.

I firmly believe Gavin is jealous of Hank and Connor for some reason. I bet he’s lonely and the fact that he feels that way makes him angry. Because he should be independent, right? In the past, he at least had the comfort of knowing Hank was just as miserable as him.

Personally, I think we should make this love triangle a OT3. Gavin/Hank/Connor. Everyone can be happy and play Uno on Friday nights.

This 100%